
New Examining vulnerability in mining-induced displacement and resettlement: A preliminary note

This preliminary note has been developed to assist practitioners in thinking through the problem of “vulnerability” in mining-induced displacement and resettlement (MIDR) events. The authors have developed this conceptual framework on the understanding that it may be used by practitioners inside and outside the mining industry to deepen their knowledge around “vulnerability” in different operating contexts.

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New A framework for the collection of social baseline data in mining

A key challenge for mining companies interested in collecting useful social data is identifying what needs to be known. International and corporate policies relating to social performance in mining are not specific or granular enough to account for the circumstances industry professionals are engaging with.

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Landsat time series Bonikro Ivory Coast 1997-2018

The video provides Landsat of the project area for the period 1997-2018. This period marks the beginning of the Bonikro Gold Mining project in 2006, in addition to two civil wars in the Cote d'Ivoire, the first in 2002, and the second in 2010. The video depicts major land use changes associate with establishing key infrastructure for the Bonikro mine in which the residents of three villages were displaced. The latter part of the time series shows the development and progressive expansion of the mine pit into the township of Hire.

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Landsat time series Kosovo-Hade 2000-2018

The video showcases the Landsat satellite imagery of the project area for the period 2000-2018. This period reflects major changes in both the project itself, and for Kosovo as a country. It includes the eviction of families from Hade in 2004-2005, the approval by the World Bank for $8.5 million in technical assistance in 2006, the introduction of the new constitution in 2008, and the emergency displacement of the Shala neighborhood in 2012 and 2013.

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A large-scale perspective on small-scale mining

This paper focuses on the complexities of large-scale and artisanal and small-scale mining (“LSM” and “ASM”) operating within a shared physical environment. The paper is exploratory in that the topic of interest – the LSM-ASM interface – is yet to be described or conceptualised to any significant degree in either academic or policy literatures. We use the term “interface” as the basis for characterising the many points at which LSM and ASM physically intersect at the asset level and the ways in which these interactions shape options and outcomes for both groups. Our intent is to generate discussion and constructive debate, and to identify current and future research priorities.

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Global mining induced displacement and resettlement (MIDR) events dataset

The database includes records of mining induced displacement and resettlement events. Records are structured around “events” rather than “mining projects” on the basis that a mining project will often undertake, or induce, several displacements over the course of its lifecycle. In this dataset each instance of displacement is treated as an “event”.

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Desktop Risk Assessment Tool for the Design and Planning Stages of Resettlement Projects in Mining

MiningResettlement.org has released a free online tool designed to provide users with a high-level impression of risk severity for mining induced displacement and resettlement (MIDR) events based on an index that calculates different combinations of project elements and factors. The purpose of the tool is to assist users in developing a rapid desktop understanding of how different factors in different project settings can contribute to risk and complexity in resettlement projects. The tool does not replace the need for due diligence or specialist advice in the design, planning and implementation of resettlement projects.

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Sepon Landsat Time Series Mine Area 1988-2017.

This presentation uses publicly available Landsat imagery to show operational developments over time. Our purpose is to demonstrate the types of land pressures that can develop for operations and for communities in long life projects. In this example, the effects of near mine exploration are of greatest interest.

Update: Part two of this series is now available.

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Industry Discussion Paper: Livelihoods, Food Security and Mining-Induced Displacement and Resettlement.

Mining-induced displacement and resettlement (MIDR) is inherently complex, involving multiple social, spatial and political changes, with long-lasting impacts on people and projects. While there is no inherent reason to assume that resettlement should be a negative process, the nature, dynamics and coping strategies of communities impacted by MIDR are still not clearly understood, and there is a shortage of information to examine the capacity of the industry, or impacted communities, to meet the challenges of a context defined by MIDR. This is an emerging field of social performance capability requiring greater attention and investment by mining industry leaders.

Download the discussion paper here (.pdf, 1.4MB)

Workbook: Applying the Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction (IRR) Model to Involuntary Resettlement in the Global Mining Sector.

A new workbook to introduce Impoverishment Risk and Reconstruction Model for Resettling Displaced Populations (the “IRR model”) and highlight how it can be applied in the mining industry. This workbook briefly explains the context and origins of the IRR model, its inherent logic, and its application in the mining sector.

Download the workbook here (.pdf, 2.5MB)

Porgera Landsat Time Series Mine Area 1987-2017

A learning tool lead by the University of Nottingham in collaboration with the CSRM consortium team. This short 2 minute video clip uses time series data to show footprint developments and land use change in and around the Porgera Gold Mine in Enga province of Papua New Guinea. The team has used publicly available Landsat data from 1987 to 2017 with input from the PJV team to verify settlement locations.

Update: Part two of this series is now available.

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Comparative analysis of legal and regulatory frameworks for resettlement in the global mining industry.

The primary aim of the report is to understand the mechanisms and instruments that governments are using to manage resettlement risks in the mining sector. Key findings show that the existing international standards have been unevenly incorporated into national frameworks. Download the presentation here (.pptx, 3MB).

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Special Issue of Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal (IAPA) on Resettlement, Displacement and Livelihoods.

Edited by Professors Frank Vanclay and Deanna Kemp

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Paper ‘Global Perspectives on the State of Resettlement Practice in Mining’.

This paper was published in the Special Issue of Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal (IAPA). We examine how international policy commitments are operationalised by the mining sector and how practitioners from across the institutional spectrum engage with planning and implementation efforts by the industry.

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Paper ‘Social Management Capability, Human Migration and the Global Mining Industry’.

This paper was published in the journal Resources Policy. As the title suggests, this paper focuses on developing capacity across the industry on issues like resettlement and in-migration. The article will be available in advanced proof stage in about one month, at which point we will share with the Consortium.

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Paper ‘The Weakness of Resettlement Safeguards in Mining’.

This paper was published in the journal Forced Migration Review, which is a journal hosted by Oxford University’s Refugee Studies Program. We explore whether current planning practices can safeguard against the risks associated with displacement and resettlement, and whether industry practice is consistent with the responsibility to respect human rights.

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An introductory workbook on Resettlement and Economic Displacement.

Prof John Owen delivered this workshop to 20 senior non-social performance professionals from Newcrest’s global operations last month, as part of a week-long program at UQ on Social Performance Leadership. This resource has been shared with Consortium members.

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