
Corporate Responsibility and Compliance with the Law: A Case Study of Land, Dispossession, and Aftermath at Newmont's Ahafo Project in Ghana

This article provides a critical appraisal of how Newmont managed the resettlement of subsistent farmers for the Ahafo project. The author focuses on the inadequacy of Ghanaian mining law, the IFC's involvement and Newmont's approach to CSR management during the planning and implementation of the resettlement activities. The author claims that communities suffered land dispossession and loss of livelihood and as a result of these combined factors.
Mares, R. 2012, Corporate Responsibility and Compliance with the Law: A Case Study of Land, Dispossession, and Aftermath at Newmonts Ahafo Project in Ghana, “Business and Society Review”, vol. 117, no. 2, pp. 233-280.
Journal Article

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