
A New Deal for Displaced People: Orissa's Involuntary Resettlement Policy

The increased level of development activity in Orissa, India, has led to large scale displacement for local communities. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive policy to address emerging problems of development-induced displacement, in 2001 the government of Orissa accepted UNDP assistance in preparing a comprehensive resettlement policy. In July 2005, the UNDP submitted a comprehensive policy draft which was based on an in-depth and a wide-ranging desk study, field research and stakeholder consultation processes. Taking the UNDP draft policy into consideration, the government of Orissa announced its own resettlement policy in May 2006. This article provides an overview of why there was a need for new policy measures, what the policy spans and how it applies to the local Orissa context, including tribal and gender contexts.
Mathur, H.M. 2008, A new deal for displaced people: Orissas involuntary resettlement policy, Social Change, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 553-575.
Coal India Limited
Journal Article

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